Tag Archives: Paint

Bathroom Update (FINALLY!)

I know this post has been long overdue and I have been teasing you with bits and pieces of our bathroom makeover for the past few weeks.  But finally I am able to proudly say that I am prepared to post some “progress” pictures.  We aren’t quite finished yet but we finally aren’t embarrassed to show you what it looks like as we speak!

First, let’s discuss the paint job.  If you recall, the painter’s tape was NOT our friend the first round of painting so we ended up with this:Gross. After a little “cutting in” (i.e. hand painting with an angled sash brush) we now have MUCH cleaner edges.  Never again will I use painter’s tape for edges like this!  We also used some white paint to cover the wall where the existing white paint was ripped off.  It doesn’t match so we still need to repaint but at least we aren’t looking at drywall!Alright, so moving right along to the actual bathroom pictures!We conveniently already had (and were actually using) two yellow towels so this picture looks very put together! The big changes from this angle are the wall color (duh), the new location of the towel rack (mentioned here), and the “You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Grey” framed print.I like the way this print came out but it wasn’t easy… Kinko’s has some SERIOUS issues printing greys!  You should see all the rejects:Our wall color (and the color of my image I brought in) is in the center. Most were not even remotely close and had this terrible greenish tint!  ANYWAY, moving on:This isn’t the best picture but you get the gist. Besides the paint color, we haven’t done much to modify this part of the room other than the yellow soap in the mason jar soap dispenser and replacing the globe light I so gracefully destroyed a few weeks ago.

And the last angle! You’ve pretty much seen this already but I thought I would have all pictures in one post.  As for the dress, this really WAS on the hook in the bathroom because I was trying to hand wash a red wine stain I acquired at the wedding a couple weekends ago out of the lace (yes, I was slow to unpack- I don’t want to talk abut it!).  So I decided not to move it for the pictures since it matched and also covered up the ugly patch of white paint.  Double score! :)

So we have definitely made progress but there are some other things we still need to do:

– Shower curtain (no we still haven’t decided what to do!)
– Window treatment
– New Towels
– Bath Mat/Rug
– Repaint white shower walls

I’m sure there is more but that is a decent list for now!  We will get to everything eventually!

As for the weekend, I have plans to finish up a few misc. projects and perhaps do some more cooking (we had a FEAST last weekend!).  I hope you all have a great weekend too! :)

Bathroom Progress

It’s time for some honesty… we didn’t fix the bathroom walls this weekend.  Instead we did this: epic salsa/guacamole session!  SO AMAZING.We did, however, make a bit of progress so I thought I would share a few pictures.  The main thing is that we got the Beatles picture framed and hung!  We ordered the frame off of Craig Frames for only $23.99!  They have a million frame sizes (and finishes!) to choose from, including the size we were looking for (14×22).  Wooooo!Now I just need to figure out what to put in that adorable little bucket Cindy gave me for the Bloom Into Spring Gift Exchange.

We also managed to get the towel rail that used to be next to the toilet and moved it to a cleaner, more useful location behind the door (more on this process later!).And with two steps forward, we also took two step back (of course… this bathroom is never going to be done!).  I managed to break the light fixture when I was trying to put the globe back on.  Dumb light Erika… now we just have an ugly, blindingly bright light bulb sticking out of our wall.Ugh. Now we have to figure out where we can get a replacement globe.

In other sort of disappointing news, we got the fabric swatch of that guitar pattern we loved for the shower curtain and I’m not sure the colors are quite right.The grey is fine but the yellow is too golden… not the sunny, more lemon-y (obviously a word) yellow we have been using. Perhaps if we only use a bit of it, we can get away with the color difference. What are your thoughts?

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, the salsa and guac were DELICIOUS! :)

Paint Fail

I know a lot of you have been anxiously waiting for an update on our weekend bathroom paint job.  And if this were yesterday, I would be too.  Then we peeled off the paint tape last night and this happened:

Oh… and this:

I am so sad!  It looks great otherwise (when you can’t see the problem edges).  Here is sneak peak for now:Please excuse the bad pictures but I didn’t really have the heart to spend a lot of time and energy photographing this sad paint job. This failure of epic proportions was a combination of two things.  The surface we painted on was not ideal… there was very glossy but cheap paint on the walls before (thus the reason it came off the walls too!) that practically repelled our new paint.  If this were not a rental, we would have sanded it down to the drywall and started over.  Sadly, this wasn’t really an option and, sadly, it obviously didn’t work out too well for us. Secondly, life got in the way and I waited way too long to remove the tape after the second coat.  I think part of me thought we may need a third coat so I kept it on.  But alas, we did not and the paint was happier sticking to the tape than it was the crappy, slippery wall underneath.

So we will be using some sand paper and a small paint brush to clean up the edges in the next couple days.  We will show you our grand reveal soon!

In the meantime, check out my awesome May Sponsors who will be located on the sidebar all month! –>