Now Our Coffee Table Won’t Collapse and Kill the Dog!
First things first, I’d like to start things off today by saying that if you love what you read around here, we would be SO grateful if you took 10 seconds to vote for Our Cozy Cubbyhole in the Apartment Therapy Homies. We would LOVE to gain more readers! Your support means a lot to us!! YOU ARE THE BEST!
Moving right along… I am happy to announce that it is only February and we are able to scratch another apartment new year’s resolution off of our list! For the past few months, our coffee table was so wobbly that it the top would shift 4 inches if you put your feet on it. It was bad. We could have added brackets as a temporary fix but we really wanted to upgrade to something a little nicer.
Over the weekend, we decided to finally take the plunge and did a bunch of searching. While we found a few tables we loved on the World Market website, they charges these ridiculous “delivery surcharges” that basically negated any sale price (and put the tables just slightly out of our price range if we were being money-conscious). We almost decided to splurge and go for it before we got the brilliant idea to look at Seriously, best decision ever! Not only did we find a bunch of tables we loved, the prices were reasonable and the shipping was free! We decided on the winner, which was on sale for $139.99 from $222.99!On top of that already amazing deal, I had a coupon code for an additional 7% off and there were no tax or shipping charges so the total came out to only $130.19!
It arrived in perfect condition two days later. The only only hiccup in this near-perfect ordering situation was that “Assembly: Assembled” was a bold-faced lie… we most definitely got a disassembled table and had to put in some elbow grease. However, most people know I have an affinity for putting together furniture so I wasn’t too put off by the little surprise.
Enough of me blabbering… LET’S SEE A PICTURE!!

Hold on. Bo wants to be in a picture first…
We are so happy with the way the new table looks and fits in our room. Plus it is so new and shiny, it makes us want to keep the house clean. ;)
Happily, we can scratch another thing off of our resolutions list:
1. KITCHEN LOVE – Since we didn’t quite get to this in 2012, I would love to get our kitchen project underway early this year!
2. ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE! – We need to do this every year! We got a bunch of Christmas gifts (books, DVDs, etc.) and have no where to put them so we need to do some spring cleaning to make room.
3. STORAGE SOLUTIONS – Now that Walker and I have lived together for over a year, we have slowly filled up all of our current storage. Aside from putting everything in the garage, we need to come up with some new ways to add storage (especially for books, DVDs, CDs, and school supplies!).
4. NEW COFFEE TABLEAND RUG –Our current coffee table is hanging on by a thread! We absolutely need to save up and replace it.We would also love to get a new, upgraded rug for underneath… class up our living room a little! :)
5. SCHOOL WORKSPACE – I love our writing desks but I am going to be doing a lot of drafting and projects that take up much more space/storage for school. We need to figure out a way to make a little more space for doing schoolwork, which is going to be really tough!
The best part is that the table was so inexpensive and we found a goldmine with Overstock so we actually ordered a brand new rug to go with the table! It arrives in a few days so get excited! Our living room is going to look like a whole new place. More pictures soon! :)