Baby Dale Bumpdate: Week 19

I exactly halfway through my pregnancy today: 20 weeks! It is so crazy how the time flies. Baby Dale will be here before we know it. In the meantime, I am trying to savor every minute of the pregnancy… and week 19 was certainly a very special one. <3

Week 19: March 28- April 3

Baby is now the size of: a mango!
Weight Gain: -0.5 lb.
Belly Measures: +3.5 inches

I’m Feeling: so thrilled! I felt the baby move for the first time (for REAL!), and have felt it a little every day since!! I also bought our first baby item this week: a bassinet! It’s getting real!
Physical Symptoms: started the week with a few abdominal growing pains, but by the weekend I was actually feeling the baby move and kick! I felt great this week, with a only a couple mornings of sickness after nights without much sleep. Me getting sick is definitely related to how tired I am… I don’t understand the science behind it but the correlation is absolutely there. Also, my belly REALLY popped this week. I think it may be time to finally invest in some maternity jeans!
Movement: I FELT THE BABY MOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME ON SATURDAY!!! At first, I just noticed that the baby was putting pressure on a new organ or something, as I felt pressure in a different area than usual. Come to think of it, I felt that same thing in the couple days before that but just figured the baby had shifted. But when I stopped what I was doing to really focus, I could actually feel the baby moving! It felt like a fish swimming around, brushing against the uterine walls and doing somersaults. I wasn’t 100% certain that was what I was feeling, but I was pretty sure. Then later in the day, after walking around all morning and then finally kicking my feet up to relax, I felt the baby move again, this time accompanied by little kicks! Those felt like little muscle twitches or someone lightly poking me from the inside. SO AMAZING… and a very strange sensation! I was just so happy that it happened when I was home with Walker so we could celebrate the moment together!
Sleep: I lowered my Benedryl dosage to a half pill before bed. It helps me get to sleep without making me groggy in the mornings. However, it means I have woken up very early some mornings and have been unable to get back to sleep.
Food Cravings: besides the usual citrus cravings, I craved (and devoured) about ten tons of pickled ginger this week!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? just a lack of sleep can cause some issues in the morning.
Miss Anything? sushi! I went out to eat with coworkers and wanted some serious spicy tuna. At least I got to have ginger!

Can’t Live Without: Walker & Bo! I love my little family so much, and these two made my weekend so special (as they always do). Baby Dale is going to be one lucky babe to hang out with these two boys every day.
Best Moment This Week: feeling the baby move, of course! It put us in the best mood, and we had a wonderful Saturday enjoying our growing family with a trip to the farmers’ market, long walks in the sunshine, and delicious home cooking.
Looking Forward To/Excited About: our 20 week scan!! We are so close! Just a few more days until we get to see our little peanut and find out it is a boy or girl! Eeeeeeee! I am so happy that it is a long anatomy scan, because I can’t wait to just stare at our little one for as long as they will let me! :)

Notes: felt the baby move for the first time on Saturday, April 1, at 19 weeks and 4 days along.

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