Baby Dale Bumpdates: Weeks 17 & 18

I was a real dud last week… not only did I forget to take a picture of my bump, but I didn’t bother to post an update either. Oops. But as they say, better late than never! So without further ado, here are recaps of weeks 17 and 18!

Week 17: March 14 – 20

Baby is now the size of: a pomegranate!
Weight Gain:
-1.5 lb.
Belly Measures: 
+3 inches

I’m Feeling: productive! After tons of research on everything from newborn sleep practices to the smallest folding stroller on the market, I am mostly done with the baby registry! It really ended up being less about the actual STUFF and more about exploring how our life and small home was going to work with Baby Dale in it! It was a lot of planning, but it was a blast. Now that we’ve wrapped our heads around the physical supplies and theoretical new routines the baby will bring, it makes me SO excited for the baby to actually get here (though I certainly don’t want to wish away the pregnancy)!!
Physical Symptoms: I have been noticing an odd pattern with what’s left of my morning sickness. Every week for the past four weeks, I have only been sick twice a week… but it always happens on the same days! Tuesday mornings, and then a second time on Tuesday night or Wednesday/Thursday morning. Then I am fine until the following Tuesday! What is THAT? So strange! The only thing I can think of is that maybe it hits me harder when I am tired (and I always get a rough night’s sleep on Sunday nights into Monday, then pay for it on Tuesday). So odd! I have also had a constant eye twitch for most of the week… but that could be from being tired from insomnia.
Movement: nothing again this week. Hopefully soon! I can’t wait!
Sleep: I have had some pretty rough insomnia this week. I can’t fall asleep for hours, and then when I do, it is a very restless sleep with vivid dreams. The only time I am sleeping hard is from 4-5am through when I SHOULD be waking up!
Food Cravings: nothing new this week – same old citrus cravings!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? just brushing my teeth on some mornings, perhaps made worse by post-nasal drip.
Miss Anything? on a week with so little sleep, I miss caffeine… especially on my long commute! Zzzzzzzz…

Can’t Live Without: advice from other parents! I have been so lucky to be surrounded by wonderful new and not-so-new mothers (and fathers!), all of whom are more than willing to share their experiences, tips, tricks, and must-haves!
Best Moment This Week: our wonderful friends James & Kristen called us this week to share some fantastic news… they are pregnant with baby #2 and due just a few weeks after us!! We could not be happier for them and are so excited to experience this adventure with them! It will be so amazing to have our babies be so close in age! They mailed us the gender results and asked us to host a gender reveal surprise at a James’ birthday party next week! It’s such an honor to play such a fun role in their journey… and they are going to be OH SO HAPPY when they find out it’s a boy!!
Looking Forward To/Excited About: our 20 weeks scan! Mainly, I want to see the baby and make sure he/she is healthy. However, I am also so pumped to find out the gender!! Eeeeeeeee!

Notes: nothing noteworthy this week!

Week 18: March 21 – 27

Baby is now the size of: a sweet potato!
Weight Gain:
-1 lb.
Belly Measures: 
+3 inches

I’m Feeling: I understand why they say the period between finally feeling better after the first trimester and feeling the baby moving is an odd few weeks in a woman’s pregnancy. On one hand, it is a relief to finally feel (mostly) better but, on the other, morning sickness was at least a constant reminder that you are pregnant and your body is working hard to keep baby healthy. Then, once you feel the baby moving, you will always feel them until he or she is born, which is comforting. Now that I am in the middle, I sometimes go hours without thinking about being pregnant, which is so weird. I feel mostly normal (albeit a bit larger), but instead of that being completely a relief, I am getting more and more antsy to see the baby (or just feel it!), hear the heartbeat, and know everything is going alright in there.
Physical Symptoms: I think I have figured out that the only times I get sick anymore (usually the morning) is when I am really tired. I have no idea why, but it seems to be the case. In addition, I checked in with my doctor and started taking a Benedryl before bed. Not only has it cleared up my nasal congestion (which I think was also contributing to me getting sick in the morning), but it has helped me sleep soundly instead of the insomnia I was having. DOUBLE WIN. Other than that, I have had some minor aches as my uterus is growing. Even though the measurement around the belly button has seemingly stalled out over the past few weeks, the area below that has been getting larger by the day!
Movement: nothing yet! Soon I hope!
Sleep: finally conquered my crazy insomnia thanks to Benedryl! Now I am almost getting TOO much sleep!
Food Cravings: finally satisfied my craving for Fruity Pebbles at our party on Saturday! :)
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? seems like just brushing my teeth when I’m overly tired makes me get sick! Weird.
Miss Anything? once again, nothing really in particular this week!

Can’t Live Without: Benedryl! I was VERY hesitant to take any medication while pregnant, which is why I’ve held out this long. But after speaking with my doctor, I’m SO happy I did. Sleeping and being able to breath again has improved my quality of life so much! Plus, I spoke with a few other moms that also took Benedryl during their pregnancies who now have healthy babes, so that eased my fears.
Best Moment This Week: hosting a big BBQ this weekend and celebrating many things with good friends. The best part was surprising James, Kristen, and Lyla with a big box full of blue balloons and seeing their fantastic reaction when they realized they were having a boy! So fun! :)
Looking Forward To/Excited About: watching a gender reveal surprise this week made me soooooo excited for us to find out if Baby Dale is going to be a boy or a girl! While I am still leaning towards girl, Walker has gradually switched over from thinking girl to boy. As long as we have a healthy little peanut, though, we will both be so happy!

Notes: nothing noteworthy this week!

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