Baby Dale Bumpdate: Week 16

Happy Wednesday! Crazy how time flies… I was 17 weeks along as of yesterday! It is funny because the first few weeks (weeks 3-8) of the pregnancy seemed to move so slowly as we waited for our first ultrasound and happy news. Since then, time has flown! A few more weeks and we will be at the halfway point. WOWZA! I am trying to savor every minute, because I know baby will be here before we know it! :)

Here is a recap of week 16!

Week 16: March 7 – 13

Baby is now the size of: an avocado!
Weight Gain:
-1 lb.
Belly Measures: 
+3 inches

I’m Feeling: feeling great! I had a quick appointment with the doctor, where she found a strong heartbeat right away and answered a bunch of my questions! I also started putting together a baby registry for our shower, so it was fun to research what baby gear is going to work best for our little house (multipurpose and compact/foldable stuff for the win).
Physical Symptoms: my morning sickness has been minimal again this week. I only got sick twice this week, just like the past two weeks. However, twice a week is a heck of lot better than twice a day, so I’ll take it! The coolest thing I’ve noticed this week is that when I wake up in the morning, the right side of my abdomen is very hard and bulged out much further than the left side. At first I wondered if it was just a full bladder pushing the baby to one side, but then I had a few mornings where my bladder was empty and the baby was still hanging out on the right side (regardless of which side I was sleeping on when I woke up). So it seems like our little one just prefers to hang out on the front right side while I am sleeping! It usually only lasts a few minutes after I wake up before my abdomen goes back to normal.
Movement: I haven’t felt anything this week, which makes me think last week’s flutters may not have been the baby.
Sleep: I have been sleeping fairly well, though I wake up a lot to change position or use the restroom. According to my tracking app, I should be getting my energy back soon, but I have yet to notice a big change. I’m still pretty tired!
Food Cravings: nothing new this week. Still loving lemon, citrus, and fruit!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? still occasionally battling with the toothbrush, even changing toothpaste to see if it helps. It doesn’t, but I am feeling better anyway, so I have just become resigned to the fact that it may make me queasy.
Miss Anything? nothing I can think of! I am very content this week.

Can’t Live Without: I know I say this all the time, but Walker! He’s my whole world, and I adore him.
Best Moment This Week: hearing the strong heartbeat on the doctor’s doppler! It was only for a few seconds, but it’s such an encouraging sound. Since I can’t feel the baby yet, any moment to see or hear a healthy baby is incredible! Also, Walker surprised me with a prenatal massage appointment on Saturday (which was beyond magical), and we attended the Wisteria Festival in Sierra Madre, a fantastic street festival and tour of world’s largest Wisteria vine! Wonderful weekend!
Looking Forward To/Excited About: so excited to finally feel the baby moving (for real and for sure)! It could be any time over the next few weeks when I start to feel regular quickening. Eeeeee! I am also still looking forward to finding out the gender at our 20 week scan at the beginning of April, of course! So many exciting things ahead!! :)

Notes: I am still hovering just below my pre-pregnancy weight, but the doctor said it was nothing to worry about and normal not to gain weight until later in the second trimester. So bring on the food!

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