Dear Blog…

*Warning: sappy, sentimental post ahead. Proceed with caution.*

Dear Blog,

I miss you. I spent some time recently rereading several months worth of posts, and it transported me back in the very best way. You were our journal, our photo album, and a connection to our friends and family for years. I feel like the time since has been undocumented and therefore in some ways seems further away from me than even some of the smallest moments from years ago that I just reread. I have been talking to several friends over the past few months about keeping a journal or reading their (grand)parent’s journals, all of which made me miss you. Although it is a public journal of sorts and not a place to share my most intimate feelings, I love that our lives during the times when I blog have been recorded to share and enjoy down the road.

The past couple years since I have posted regularly have flown by and have been beautiful beyond words. School was insanely busy, but amazingly fulfilling and productive towards achieving my occupational dreams. The 10 months of engagement was a blast celebrating and anticipating our upcoming nuptials. The wedding planning is a delightful but frenzied blur at this point… I still have no idea how it all came together! The wedding itself was the best day of our lives. Every single one of my wildest dreams came true when I said “I do!” to spending the rest of my life with the person I love with every bit of my heart. It was an absolute dream celebrating such a special day with the people we love. The honeymoon was stunningly unreal… Barbados stole our hearts. Every minute of blood, sweat, and tears shed at school was beyond worth it when I got the dream job working for Michael. Turns out, I had no idea even then how much I would absolutely LOVE this job. The move to our Pasadena cottage happened so fast, but almost a year later, I know in my heart this home was meant for us. We love our cottage and the little family inside!

The point of all of this blabbering is simply to say that I wish I had blogged all of those wonderful moments as well. Although they will always and forever live in my memory, there is something incredible reading about these memories in my own words and seeing them in photos years later. So, while I can’t promise by any means that this blog will be back in all of its original DIY and project-packed glory (ha!), I want to recommit myself to posting the occasional (or hopefully more-than-occasional) lifestyle (and cottage) updates. I miss you, and I miss what you bring to our lives. Let’s be friends again.



Friends and family, I miss you too! I hope you’ll come hang out with us here again on Our Cozy Cubbyhole. Happy Friday! xo

*Sappy post complete. If you’re still reading this, you survived. Here’s a picture of Bo as your reward.*


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