Category Archives: Organization

Make It Work: Custom Open Kitchen Storage for Under $100

Happy Friday everyone! I have been meaning to post this project for a while, but the last two weeks have probably been the busiest weeks of the year! No only do I have the usual school (especially chairing styles… it is heating up! More on that later when I get my head above water), work, and life stuff to worry about, but I have also had about 40 string art orders to manage and complete from the catalog launch! Since they take me 1-2 hours each to do (plus three days of painting in prep), that is a lot of “extra” time to find in my week! I just kept reminding myself of sending out that invoice… :)  Needless to say, I have finished the rush and am now back to the usual flow of orders, so I may be around more often.

I am finally getting my act together enough to share our first “Make It Work” project! Sadly, this project was completed almost a month ago, but better late than never, right?!

Like I explained, we don’t have much time or money to invest, but we NEED to find a way to make this apartment work better for us. When we asked ourselves, what’s the first thing we would change, the answer was the kitchen. I have mentioned our major lack of storage before and even proposed a cool counter-height table to add more counter space. However, what we really need is storage space, since we continuously acquire new kitchen appliances, devices and ingredients. Since we typically use the kitchen table to do out prep work, the counter space seemed less urgent.

So after a bunch of research for complete solutions under $100 (shelving is expensive! But this was the one place in the house were we were willing to spend a little dough on storage), I ended back at good old faithful: Ikea. I walked out with many shelving pieces in hand to make better use of this area of the kitchen:


Five minutes later (SERIOUSLY – the Ivar system is INSANELY easy to assemble. No tools necessary except for the back support brace!), we had a full wall of open shelving in the kitchen!KitchenShelves_WM

I am OBSESSED with it. Not only can we add $4-6 shelves whenever we feel like it, I also love that we were able to customize it so that my school stuff fits right underneath. Oh, and also Bo’s little eating area! :)KitchenShelves2_WM

Thankfully, we already had most of our food and chiles in these jars, so I only had to buy two extra! But like the shelving system, buying more jars as we need them is very inexpensive going forward.GlassJars

One of my favorite parts of the new shelves is the visibility of all of our spices. They used to be on a shelf I could barely reach, let alone see, so I hardly ever got creative. Now we have easy access and (seriously) our food has been better than ever this month!SpiceJars

Thanks to Design Camp, I also had a World Market gift card (woo!) for $10, so I decided to buy this awesome vintage oil container to keep our oil fresh (it likes the dark!) and a new spice shaker for our chipotle powder.OliveOildTin

Also, thanks to all of the new space, we were able to display our new Nebraska shot glasses that we got on our recent trip, as well as a book of my family recipes that my brother gave me one Christmas.NebraskaGlasses

It may seem like a silly thing to be excited about, but I can tell you that it has made an amazing difference in our lives! I already feel a thousand times better in the apartment and love the way it has complemented our cooking process. After a month of living with it, I wouldn’t change a thing, except that I need to find a new place for our “Life Is Good” letters.

I know I have been putting the blog as a low priority, but I really appreciate you sticking with me and riding out this busy time! I will be spending the next hour catching up on other people’s blogs… I MISS YOU GUYS!

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend. We had some lovely guests last weekend (and had a blast!), but we are looking forward to having an Erika & Walker (& Bo) weekend to just relax and spend time together after these busy few weeks!

Designers, Make It Work!

I am going to put this very plainly: Walker and I are very quickly outgrowing our apartment. A less-than-450-square-foot apartment can be a bit of a tight squeeze for two people, especially people who both have a love for media and cooking. Books, records, DVDs, CDs, utensils, small appliances, ingredients — these things all take up storage space… that we don’t really have.

That being said, we also happen to LOVE our apartment and don’t have the money, time, or desire to move right now. We also don’t have the budget to go all out and buy lots of new storage furniture. So that brings us to our current conundrum challenge: how do we make this apartment function more effectively for our needs without spending a fortune? Since we really have no other choice than to answer this question, I am going to defer to the advice of the one-and-only Tim Gunn: “Designers, make it work!”

And that is precisely what I plan to do: make it work! This brings us to a new blog mini-series that’s one part “Work with What You’ve Got” from Attempts At Domestication (home design on a budget), one part “30 Bags in 30 Days” from Country Mouse Tales (weeding through and cleaning out your stuff, one space at a time), and one part classic Erika ingenuity and delight (sarcasm). I call this beast, “Our Cozy Cubbyhole: Make It Work!”MakeItWork_Floorplan

Over the next few weeks (fingers crossed I don’t get too busy or distracted!), we will be tackling one room/space at a time, asking ourselves what needs to be done in order for that space to function better. Do we need to de-clutter (duh, yes.)? Reorganize? Add storage? Rearrange?

When all is said and done, I hope this exercise will make our apartment breathable again. Our space is truly unique and special… I want to fall in love with it all over again! :)

Before I embark on this mission, any tips, tricks, or advice? Let me know in the comments below!

Something Red, Something White, and Something Blue

Happy Independence Day! I hope you are all out celebrating and enjoying a much-deserved day off.  Our plans are pretty low-key today… brunch, party, and perhaps fireworks!

Alright, so we are going to take a little creative leeway with the title but in the spirit of the day, I am going to give it my best shot! Even though the subject of this post is not even remotely related to the holiday, I at least tried to color theme it for you.  Let’s start with something red!

RED: About a year ago, Walker and I were walking through Urban Home and saw this awesome red clock in the window display.  I tore the place apart looking for one only to find out it wasn’t in stock and that the salesperson hadn’t seen any new ones come in for months.  Walker later told me that he went online to order it for me as a surprise but it wasn’t available.  Eventually the listing for the clock even came off of the website.

Fast forward a year… Walker and I were seeing a movie on Sunday afternoon and had a little time to kill beforehand (I love you ArcLight… assigned movie seating was the best invention this century). We decided to wander through Urban Home and all of the sudden Walker points out a shelf with 5 of the red clocks!  I was so excited!!  So after the movie, I snagged one of these bad boys for only $9.99.  We have never had a clock in our living room so we were so happy to finally fill the void.  It joined the ranks of our mishmash wall where Jordan used to hang out.  But not to worry Jordan fans, Michael simply relocated to the other side of the doorway.

BLUE: Another fun stop we made on Sunday was to World Market (I managed to force Walker into going to two home stores in one day… I was really pushing my luck!).  We stocked up on a bunch of little colorful jars for spice and food storage.  One happens to be blue.  One was also red!  And we completed the trio with a fresh (white) sea salt grinder (and its peppery partner).  We are on a jars kick and are hoping that a future kitchen revamp will let us display our strange assortment.  More on that later!

WHITE: Last but not least, something white.  I could have cheated and used the salt grinder but I wanted to do something a little more special. It was a really important week for me and I have some very exciting things in my home-blog-related future!  I really can’t go into any more detail than that quite yet but I will leave you with a small clue. I’m so mysterious! ;)


Happy 4th!  Stay safe and have fun! xoxo