Category Archives: Blog News

Happy 2014!

Happy new year, everyone! It is absolutely mind-boggling to me that one year ago, I was preparing to go back to school in a week. Fast forward a year and I am preparing to throw myself into my final thesis quarter with everything I’ve got for ten more weeks. THEN I AM DONE! I have been terrible about showing you all my work with the exception of the first quarter or so, but I promise there will be a final portfolio in the works this quarter with the highlights. I managed to pull off another 4.0 quarter and couldn’t be more pleased! But enough about school… let’s get you a bit caught up on the goings-on around here.

The Christmas season was more of a whirlwind than usual for me this year. Between completing many holiday string art orders (all of which had to ship by the same week as my finals…), completing finals/projects, and then mixing in the usual holiday craziness, I was doing everything imaginable to keep my head above water. However, once I finished everything on the 21st, we were able to enjoy a relaxing Christmas week with both of our families! We flew to New York on the 22nd, then to Nebraska on the 26th, and finally back to Los Angeles on the 31st. We spent the entire trip seeing old friends, relaxing with family, and (as usual) getting spoiled by everyone’s incredible generosity. After getting off the plane, we spent New Years Eve cooking an amazing surf & turf meal, playing our new Wii (WOOOO!!! My arm is killing me…), enjoying many cocktails, and embracing a wonderful night in together after a lot of traveling! New Years Day is the anniversary of our first date, but I have a bunch of fun things to post from that, so it will get its own post later! :)

Let’s see… what else has been happening? Or I guess not really happening over the past few weeks… wedding planning! We took a mini hiatus from planning in December for the most part due to the madness (see paragraph above!), but we did manage to draw, design, order, and prepare all of the Save the Dates. I plan to address them today and get them in the mail shortly. I will have a bigger wedding update post shortly, where I will share some of the fun stuff that we have accomplished for our big day!

Finally, I missed my second blogiversary on December 12th since I was up to my ears in finals and string art, but feel free to look back at some of the fun post from last year!
First Blogiversary – Day 1: New Layout and Survey!
First Blogiversary – Day 2: A Day in the Life
First Blogiversary – Day 3: Big News!!  (This is one of the top three most popular blog posts to date when it comes to comments!)
First Blogiversary – Day 4: The Year In Review
First Blogiversary – Day 5: Survey Results, Your Questions Answered, and a Little Something Special!

I am hoping to have at least one fun second blogiversary post for you over the next week, so stay tuned!

While there is a ton more to say about the past month and the upcoming few, I think this post is long enough for today. I don’t start school until late next week, so you will be hearing from me a lot until then! See you tomorrow with a recap of our New Years celebration and resolutions.

P.S. Before I leave you for today, I wanted to give a little shout out to our late December/January sponsors: Hammer It Out and NCF Furnishings. They were sweet enough to sponsor Our Cozy Cubbyhole during the holidays when I never posted, so I threw in all of January as a little thank you to them. You will hear more about them soon, but I wanted to give them a little love today too! Thank you!

Grateful For The Good

The past three weeks have been fantastic around here! After completing another quarter of work (which I will share with you soon!) and pulling off another 4.0 (woooooo!), I had really earned a three-week break. As I mentioned earlier, I began my break with an amazing visit from my best friend and her husband. We spent their 5 day vacation enjoying the ocean, seeing wine country, and talking the hours away in our backyard. Life is good.LauraAndDavesVisit5 LauraAndDavesVisit6 LauraAndDavesVisit4 LauraAndDavesVisit2 LauraAndDavesVisit1 LauraAndDavesVisit3 LauraAndDavesVisit7

A few days later, we left for Nebraska to visit Walker’s family and friends because he got a bunch of time off for Independence Day. We stayed 6 days, and I managed to only take pictures of flowers at the gorgeous Sunken Garden in Lincoln. Thankfully, Walker snapped one picture of his mom and me, but I really blew it on the photo documentation responsibility!
Nebraska1 Nebraska2

After 6 amazing days relaxing with his family, we came home to find this bad boy waiting for us in the mailbox:UncommonGoodsFallCatalog1

Walker opened it up, only to find the string art of yours truly gracing the pages of the centerfold!UncommonGoodsFallCatalog2 UncommonGoodsFallCatalog3

I jumped up and down for a while in sheer excitement at the idea of seeing my stuff in print. YIPPEE! Then I checked my email, only to find my string art also featured on their distribution email!UnCommonGoodsEmail

It was a very awesome surprise to come home to! I am really hoping that the string art does well in the catalog (tell your friends — they make amazing wedding and housewarming gifts!).

Anyway, I just wanted to fill you in on my past few weeks! I am so grateful for all of the great things and people I have in my life. The past three weeks have been rejuvenating, relaxing, and a ton of fun. The first day of classes for next quarter is Thursday (TIME FLIES!), so I will be trying to wrap up all loose ends and check off my to-do lists before then!

Seriously Awesome News (Times Three)

**Before I start, I wanted to let you know about a little change in the comments section. There were mixed love it/don’t love it reviews on the automatic emails letting you know that I have responded to your comments. So, now there is an option! If you’d like to know when I have responded (only me — not all comments on the post, I promise!), just select the “Replies to my comments” option in the comment box and confirm subscription. If not, “Don’t subscribe” is the default so you don’t have to do a thing. Now everyone will be happy! And remember, if you change your mind, you can switch your subscription preferences at any time. :)**

I know a lot of you have been waiting in suspense for me to reveal my big news so get excited because today is the day! In fact, there are three really amazing things I want to share with you today so let’s get right to it!

1. I am super, super lucky because I was chosen by the amazingly talented and kind women, Joann and Kelly, at Kandrac & Kole to receive a ticket to Design Camp in Seattle in two weeks!! Hosted by celebrity interior designers Lori Dennis and Kelli Ellis (you may know them from HGTV or TLC), Design Camp is a two day seminar packed with workshops in all things interior design, portfolio creation, forecasts/trends, design blogging, social media, branding, and becoming a television personality! I seriously jumped up and down for like 45 minutes (great cardio, by the way) when I found out that I would be attending this incredibly valuable and fun seminar. Many of you know that my dream job would be to be on HGTV, so add in some blogging and some advice for starting an interior design career, and the result is literally my perfect dream conference. AND I GET TO GO!! Eeeeeee! I fully intend on being in sponge-mode, soaking in any and all information that I possibly can. The best part is that the conference is limited to 300 people so there will be some incredible networking opportunities and time to really get to know the other campers! Time to get my business cards printed… ;)Design-Camp-Logo

2. I am super, super lucky because I received a message through my Etsy store just before Christmas from a woman inquiring about selling my string art to a wholesale distributor. She asked to send me an email with more information, and when she did, the first thing I saw was that she was a buyer for UncommonGoods! I LOVE THAT STORE! So once again, I jumped up and down for 45 minutes like a madwoman.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with the store, here is info from their website:

uncommon-goods-logo1“UncommonGoods is an online marketplace offering creatively designed, high-quality merchandise at affordable prices. At UncommonGoods, we believe that creativity and the expression of individuality represent two great human treasures. We have set out to create a business that makes uncommon goods accessible to everyone.”

After several months of phone calls, emails, samples, and soul-searching on my part, the listing went live today! I am offering three versions of my string art with nails exclusively through UncommonGoods (thus the reason they have disappeared off of my Etsy store), one on the natural wood round, another with bright red paint, and another with bright turquoise paint. When the customer places an order, I will fulfill it and ship it directly to them. For those who are thinking, “Erika, you have the smallest apartment of all time. Where do you plan on making these?” The answer is: my garage space and I are going to be spending a lot of time together. Sorry, Walker’s car.

Photo source:

Photo source:

So what does this all mean for me? When I got the original email, my first thoughts were, “This is amazing but with school and everything going on, I don’t have time for this.” However, after doing some number-crunching based on their sales estimates, I realized I was roughly in the range of what I am bringing home working 3 days a week at my current job. If the actual number of orders per week was lower, I would need to find other income to supplement. If the number was higher, I would be making more money and working less… from home. Since there is no way to predict the orders until they come in, I decided to err on the side of caution and make all financial decisions based on a worst-case scenario every week. Which brings me to…

3. I am super, super lucky because when I started looking into other forms of income, I decided to ignore the voice in my head saying, “You have practically no experience. They won’t even look at your work,” and applied to a few paid blogging positions. I was so wonderfully surprised when I was offered both a copy-editing position at and a daily DIY blogger position for!! Lifehack is “widely recognized as one of the premier productivity and lifestyle blogs on the web. This site is dedicated to lifehacks, which is a phrase that describes any advice, resource, tip, or trick that will help you get things done more efficiently and effectively.” Decoist is “an interior design and architecture blog that promises to deliver fresh new inspiration everyday.”

Once I was offered both writing jobs (which are paid by post and should be enough to cover any gaps in income for weeks with fewer orders), I decided that this whole UncommonGoods/Lifehack/Decoist path was one I needed to take. While the financial risk is much higher than staying at my current job, the benefits of working from home and having more time to work/focus on school were too huge to ignore. I felt like this amazing opportunity fell onto my lap and I would be silly not to try.

So that is what I am doing: trying! I put in my notice at my current job a little while back and my last day is this Friday. The listing went live on UncommonGoods today and I start with the writing positions on Monday (I have already been editing articles, as well as did one sample post for Decoist last week). It is so exciting! I want to jump around all over the place. I want to sing and shout. I want to dance. I want to cry a little because I am terrified of the financial risk. I want to pat myself on the back for taking this leap of faith. I want to hug everyone who has supported me and told me to go for it, especially Walker (who has listened to me go on and on and on and on about every bit of this).

To my lovely blog readers, thank you all for your support as well. Check out the listing, pass it along to friends, TWEET N PIN THAT SHIZ… whatever you do, I appreciate it all! Love you guys! xoxo
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Have you ever taken a big risk? Worked as an entrepreneur and/or from home? Any tips on making a rented half-garage not feel like a spider-filled cave?