H ey- remember me? I am the girl that writes this blog sometimes. I am starting to work on final projects for school (time flies!) so I have been up to my ears in work. Unfortunately, the blog has suffered but I am hoping to come back with a vengeance soon! ;)
In the meantime, I wanted to share a quick little update from our living room. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that we had found an awesome deal for a new rug on Overstock. So without further ado, let’s get to the pictures! Here is old rug for those of you who need a reminder:
And here is our gorgeous new rug:
The living room before the new goods:

And after:
We love the way the rug brings out the pops of red in the rest of the room and adds a lot of character to the space. The best part of the whole thing, though, is that this bad boy was on sale for only $35!! WOOO! I will try and and take some better pictures of the living room soon when I can find a few spare minutes (HA!).
To complete our living room upgrade, we snagged some awesome record coasters from Amazon for only $21 (for a set of 6).

With the new table, rug, and coasters, we can officially scratch another New Year’s resolution off of our list. Yippeeeeee!
1. KITCHEN LOVE – Since we didn’t quite get to this in 2012, I would love to get our kitchen project underway early this year!
2. ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE, ORGANIZE! – We need to do this every year! We got a bunch of Christmas gifts (books, DVDs, etc.) and have no where to put them so we need to do some spring cleaning to make room.
3. STORAGE SOLUTIONS – Now that Walker and I have lived together for over a year, we have slowly filled up all of our current storage. Aside from putting everything in the garage, we need to come up with some new ways to add storage (especially for books, DVDs, CDs, and school supplies!).
4. NEW COFFEE TABLE AND RUG – Our current coffee table is hanging on by a thread! We absolutely need to save up and replace it. We would also love to get a new, upgraded rug for underneath… class up our living room a little! :)
5. SCHOOL WORKSPACE – I love our writing desks but I am going to be doing a lot of drafting and projects that take up much more space/storage for school. We need to figure out a way to make a little more space for doing schoolwork, which is going to be really tough!