Want the Good News or the Bad News?
Let’s start with the good:
1. It is Friday Saturday (no lunch break yesterday so this post didn’t get finished)!!!
2. After about a month of lots of water and TLC, we have managed to grow grass in our backyard! Remember the where we were at few weeks ago when we filled the yard with worms and grass seed?And remember that hideous sewer pipe incident that ruined our yard to start with in March? The entire yard has been a mess ever since! Until now…
Beautiful, soft, green grass!! We still have a little ways to go since some of it is a bit patchy, although I think the gardeners cut the grass a bit too short in some places. But considering last month we were living in a dirt pit, this is a huge deal! Plus, I know very few people that have successfully managed to grow grass (or anything at all for that matter) in August in Los Angeles.
So the lawn is the good news but I warned you there would be bad also. You should stop reading if you were hoping we would make you some wine this fall. :(Zaragoza’s grapes are on a rapid decline…
We were hoping our plant was established enough to produce viable fruit in the second year but sadly it looks like it won’t produce real grapes until year three (which is very common but we thought we might get lucky!). They were so healthy and firm a month ago:Oh well. We will keep our fingers crossed for next year. We will just have to drink some zinfandel wine from the store in the grape plant’s honor this year! ;)
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