Hellllloooo Erika… Are You There?!
Hey strangers! I know it has been a little quieter than normal around here recently. July was an insane month for my personal life (mentally as well as financially… and we all know house projects cost moneyyy!). August has calmed down from a personal standpoint but work has been ridiculous. So needless to say, I have been a bit wiped out.
I tweeted the other day that I was feeling guilty for not writing as often as I’d like and a very wonderful & wise bloggy friend (Ashley @ First Home Dreams) replied, “Do NOT feel guilty!! Blogging is supposed to be a person’s happy place.” And she is so right! That is why I feel guilty… because I love, love, love blogging but haven’t had enough time to do it as much as I would like lately.
Plus, I am feeling super bummed today because I can’t be back East to take my little not-so-little-anymore brother to college today. :(
I need some relaxation. I need to call my brother. I need to clean the apartment. And I need some inspiration.
But not to worry… I have a few ideas up my sleeve so we will be back to your regularly-scheduled blog posts soon! In the meantime, I will leave you with a few photos to brighten your morning. :)

Tired Bo after a run… we have all been doing Couch to 5k (and Pooch to 5k) together!

Happy Erika enjoying a lovely afternoon with her man at a winery! THIS is how I wish I felt on week days…