Little Projects Update: April 23, 2012

I know I have had a lot of lifestyle posts lately and (other than my puppy silhouette art print) not too many house projects beyond the backyard. But I guess life tends to get in the way of being productive sometimes, right?  Side note: I wrote this post yesterday and woke up miserably sick today… and I was just getting caught up! BOO.  :(

I have been working on a bunch of Etsy projects as well as small things that didn’t seem to warrant their own posts.  So I decided to do a Little Projects Update post to summarize everything in one place!

First things first, the backyard is a bloomin’!  Our grapes are starting to actually look like little grapes (yay!!) and the bunches are huge.  The cacti have started sprouting flowers in strange places.  The honeysuckle vine and lime tree already have blossoms and all of the new plants are thriving in their new home.  And most importantly, we are starting to see some little grass sprouts!  We are hoping that we will have a pretty spectacular backyard in a couple of weeks.

Speaking of flowers, how about another installment of Flowers… by Walker?  On Friday I came home to this beautiful bunch of springtime flowers.  Aren’t they gorgeous? :)

Next, I told you about our second record storage crate from our neighborhood liquor store and promised a picture… so here you go!  The two crates fit perfectly and our vinyl has been organized just in time for a few purchases from Saturday’s Record Store Day 2012. Wooo!!

A while back, my Nana mailed me two more skeleton keys, knowing how much I loved the first one she gave me.  I have them hanging on the wall right now but am trying to think of how I want to display them.  Thoughts?

This may seem really silly but I finally filled my mason jar soap dispenser with Burt’s Bee’s Citrus & Ginger Root Hand Soap (Walker’s parents had it when we visited last year and we have been talking about it ever since).  I think the fact that it is yellow to match our future bathroom color scheme is awesome.  Walker thinks it looks like urine. Oh well…

I know you really don’t care about the soap… I was just using it as a lead-in to announce that we are FINALLY going to get started on the bathroom this weekend!  We have (mostly) picked out the colors and have some ideas for the rest of the space.  You remember our inspiration, right?  That sweet Beatles concert poster? Well our goal for the weekend is to have the walls painted and the art framed.  Not too tough, right? (famous last words…)

So now you have an update on a bunch of the the little things we have going on around here these days.  We have some amazing projects to come now that we have caught up on life a bit (once I kick this stomach bug- yuck)!

Bloom Into Spring Exchange 2012

I am very excited to have participated the Bloom Into Spring gift exchange hosted by Meagan at Local at Last and Lisha from One House, One Couple. They gathered together and paired up a bunch of great bloggers to celebrate spring the good old fashioned snail mail way! :)

I was lucky enough to be paired up with Cindy from This and That.  She is so sweet and I have enjoyed getting to know her though her blog, which I found out about all thanks to this little exchange!  Last week I received an awesome care package of springtime goodies.I got an adorable little duck pail filled to the brim with Reeses and Cadbury eggs (okay, you caught me!  Between receiving the package that night and taking pictures the next day, Walker and I ate most of the candy already!). She also included two shades of nail polish, some amazing cherry lotion, a cute little pink striped dish with a lid, and this amazing cup with a built in curly straw!

Naturally I had to drink a chai tea latte and give myself a manicure (while polishing off those last few eggs of course).  The pink nail polish was perfect to pair with a really sparkly pale pink that I used on my ring fingers (hard to see in this pic- sorry).A big thank you to Cindy for her thoughtful/delicious gift and to Lisha & Meagan for arranging this exchange.  If you’d like to check out what I sent Cindy, check it out on her blog.  Here is a sneak peak!

Mission Simplification: Make Health a Priority

As you recall, I posted about a few of my personal goals back in February, the first of which was about making health a priority.  Let me refresh your memory:

  1. Make health a priority- Not that I am unreasonably unhealthy but I need to make sure I am disciplining myself with good exercising and eating habits now.  Walker and I need to go back to cooking our dinners more often like we did before the holiday season ruined the world’s eating habits.  We aren’t dieters but we are good at “everything in moderation” when we put our minds to it.  As for exercising, I know I will not stick with going to a gym for more than a month or two so I need to find a fitness solution that works for me to make sure I stay healthy. I think I have some ideas that make it convenient and effective so more on that later.

I thought I would share my progress with you!  As for the nutrition portion of this goal, we have definitely been better with our diet (aside from the rogue pint of Ben & Jerry’s or bag of Doritos). I have been drinking Naked Juice Berry Veggie Smoothies for lunch most days to pump in some extra protein, vitamins, fruits, and veggies. Then add in some smart(er) dinner choices and we are back on track nutrition-wise.

As for the exercise conundrum, I was really worried about joining a gym, knowing once I lost interest that I would stop going and be back to square one. Call me lazy if you’d like but I am such a homebody.  After being away from the house 9+ hours a day for work, the last thing I want to do is take another hour away from my home, my man, and my puppy. Tired Erika likes to talk rational, logical Erika out of anything productive at 6pm (or 6am for that matter) and any excuse will do it (“but I was supposed to get started on that Etsy order…” or “wouldn’t I rather just sleep another few minutes?”).  So I needed an exercise solution that was TOO convenient to talk myself out of.

I go to the gym so I can use the elliptical (running is often too hard on my poor lame knees) but obviously a full size elliptical isn’t an option in our little apartment aside from exercising in the dark in the garage (umm… no.). So I started doing some research and I stumbled upon THIS little guy:

It’s the Stamina InMotion E1000 Elliptical Trainer and it is AWESOME. I got it on Amazon for $87 and have already used it enough to feel like it has paid for itself.  It fits in our little side closet and I can just pull it out when I want to use it.  Granted it doesn’t have the full range of a normal elliptical (it’s like an elliptical and a stepper had a convenient little baby) but you can get your heart rate moving! Plus I love that an hour of exercise literally takes 61 minutes (no driving, parking, traffic, blah, blah, blah… just a quick change of clothes). Anyway, you can read up on all of the details if you are interested… I won’t bore you here. But it has turned out to be an awesome solution to creating an exercise routine that works for me with some crunches, push-ups, and stretching!

FYI- I wasn’t paid to talk about any of the products mentioned in this post… just my two cents! :)