Green Sunday Fun
Walker and I spent our beautiful Sunday afternoon making our backyard a bit more green! We have been talking about it for ages so we finally took the plunge and went to the local hardware store’s garden center. We came home with three new plants that will give our yard a bit more personality.
The first thing we planted was a Bearss seedless lime tree in the far left corner of the yard. Once this bad boy starts producing fruit, we will have fresh limes for cooking and making delicious cocktails at our disposal whenever we want!
The next thing we planted was Hall’s Honeysuckle to climb the cement wall to the left of the gate. We are hoping it will cover that whole wall with vines and beautiful yellow trumpet flowers!Lastly, we planted a Happy Wandering Lilac vine in the center of the right side fence. Again, the goal is for this vine to climb and cover the fence on that side with fragrant purple flowers!
Walker grew up with Honeysuckle at his grandmother’s and I grew up with lilac trees at my childhood home so we decided to bring them both to our new yard. :)
Also, as many of you recall, we had our yard torn apart in order to replace the sewer pipe last month and the result wasn’t pretty. So we used a rake to loosen the top layer of soil in the bare areas and re-seeded the area. Hopefully we will see new grass in 6-14 days! Fingers crossed!
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